Our most successful Colorado Gives Day yet!

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Thanks to our generous community of supporters, we blew past our $10,000 fundraising goal for Colorado Gives Day, raising a total of $13,470 dollars in 24 hours! Add Mighty Arrow Family Foundation and New Belgium Brewery's $10,000 match to this, and we were able to raise $23,470 towards critical watershed restoration and post-fire planning work.

The historic Cameron Peak Fire left our watershed devastated. Yes, we have a long road ahead of us to restore the land and waters of the Poudre River, but with your support CPRW staff and partners will be able to plan and implement the work that needs to be done immediately and into the future. Together, we can ensure a healthy and resilient Cache la Poudre Watershed.

With these funds CPRW will be able to 1) Bring the right people together to coordinate post-fire planning and needs; 2) Organize and lead critical post fire restoration implementation; 3) Lead communication and outreach efforts throughout the watershed; 4) Raise additional funds for watershed recovery work.

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