Our Values & How They Guide Our Work

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Our work at the Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed (CPRW) is inspired by our vision of a healthy and resilient Poudre River. All of our work seeks to improve and maintain the ecological health of the Poudre River Watershed through community collaboration. With this in mind, we are guided by a strong set of values that we apply to all of our partnerships and projects within the Watershed.

Our Values 

  • Collaboration over conflict: We strive to find innovative win-win solutions to the complex, cross-jurisdictional challenges facing our watershed. We value collaboration because we believe it is the best tool for stakeholders with different views to openly express their knowledge/concerns and work together to find a mutually beneficial solution.Inclusiveness: As a coalition, CPRW works hard to include the viewpoints, knowledge, and beliefs of a range of stakeholders. From our board, our committees, our volunteers, to our everyday interactions with individuals, we strive to listen, learn, and give a seat at the table to all those that are knowledgeable and passionate about the Poudre River Watershed.

  • Transparency: We believe that true collaboration can only be achieved when we act with complete transparency. We are committed to making our decisions and procedures accessible in a timely and comprehensible manner. By remaining transparent in our actions and decisions we achieve accountability to our stakeholders, donors, staff, partners, & the public.

  • Science based approach: Our watershed faces many environmentally complex, intertwined challenges & stressors. We believe relying on the best available science is the strongest foundation for making sustainable decisions in the face of uncertainties.

  • Sustainability. We are committed to finding solutions that provide tangible, measurable, lasting results for our organization and for our watershed.

  • Responsible stewardship. We are committed to careful stewardship of the Poudre River Watershed’s resources and the resources of our organization. This means we use carefully the time and talents of those working with us, we are environmentally responsible, and we spend wisely the funds invested in us. We believe this is the best course for building a resilient organization and a resilient watershed.