We Encourage You to Live Wildfire Ready!

The Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed is joining other organizations in Colorado in a new campaign called Live Wildfire Ready. This campaign from the State of Colorado will help you better understand your wildfire risk and what you can do to prepare your home and property for wildfire. 

It is especially important to prepare for wildfire if you live in the wildland-urban interface in the Poudre Watershed. Grasses, shrubs and trees provide fuel for wildfires. If your home is located in or near the natural vegetation of Colorado’s grasslands, shrublands, foothills or mountains, you live in the wildland-urban interface and are at risk from a wildfire.

Visit LiveWildfireReady.org to explore your wildfire risk and learn simple, practical, relatively low-cost actions you can take to prepare your home and property for wildfire and be ready if a wildfire occurs. Or search for #LiveWildfireReady on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.