PILE BURNING NOTICE: Ember Alliance Burning Slash Piles on Private Lands
Photo credit: Evan Barrientos Photography
The Ember Alliance and Gravitas Peak Prescribed Fire Module will be burning slash piles on private lands from tomorrow Thur 4/1 through Sat 4/3, depending on conditions on the ground. Piles ready to be burned are located on the Ben Delatour Scout Ranch, North Rim Rd above the switchbacks and south of Elkhorn Creek, and on the Sundance Trail Guest Ranch on CR 74E.
These piles will only be ignited under certain conditions, including favorable smoke dispersal and adequate snow cover as well as approval from the local Fire Protection District. All piles will be “mopped-up” (out cold) before sunset of the day they are ignited. There may be limited residual smoke in the area overnight. The areas are monitored and patrolled during ignitions as well as for several days after burning is completed. When and where burning occurs depends on the conditions listed above. Public and firefighter safety is always the number one priority in burning operations.
Private lands slash pile burning operations are conducted in coordination with Larimer County Emergency Services and local Fire Protection Districts, and smoke emissions are permitted through either Larimer County or the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The Fort Collins Interagency Dispatch Center and the US Forest Service are also made aware of the burning.
To receive regular updates about private lands burning in your area, please contact Megan Maiolo-Heath at the Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed (megan@poudrewatershed.org) or Kristin Leger at the Ember Alliance (kristin@emberalliance.org).
If you would like to receive regular updates about burning on U.S. Forest Service lands in your area, please contact Reghan Cloudman at reghan.cloudman@usda.gov to be added to the district’s email contact list. USFS slash pile burning information for the 2021 season is posted online at http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/4648/.
Prescribed fire smoke may affect your health. For more information see https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/wood-smoke-and-health.