Calling local landowners: Do you have cones on your ponderosa pine trees?
Volunteers from HP helped CPRW collect ponderosa pinecones in 2022.
To continue our ponderosa pine reforestation efforts, a large supply of local seed is needed for nurseries to produce seedlings. One of the best ways to obtain seed is to collect from local seed sources.
We are seeking access to private properties spanning the elevation range of 6500' - 8000' to collect pinecones.
We are in search of landowners with ponderosa pinecones on their property who are willing to let Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed (CPRW) staff and volunteers harvest cones in late-summer or early fall. We need between 5-8 ponderosa trees on each property with at least half of the trees covered in maturing, green pinecones (see photo below).
Harvesting pinecones includes trimming the tips of the branches to collect just the pinecones, which does not hurt the tree at all! We will typically have between 10-15 volunteers assisting with pinecone collection.
Pinecones can be seen on the tips of the branches in clusters of 1-5 and between 1.5-3 inches in length. Pinecones will be GREEN and NOT BROWN.
If you are a property owner with multiple ponderosa pine trees growing GREEN pinecones this year, please contact to set up a property visit and discuss further details about pinecone collection.
To learn more about reforestation efforts visit: