Red Feather Lakes Area Wildfire Defense Project
Aerial view of the Elkhorn Creek drainage in the Red Feather Lakes Area.
A community member helps build slash piles at a workshop hosted by CPRW (Photo credit: Evan Barrientos)
Project Background
The Red Feather Lakes Area Wildfire Defense Project will improve the wildfire defense of the entire Red Feather Lakes area, accomplished through specific risk reduction and preparedness activities. Project activities will occur within the geographic boundaries (see map below) defined in the four current Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs) (see below) and are designed to meet goals outlined in these current CWPPs. Project activities will include: wildfire mitigation treatments in open space, along roadways and on private properties; education on home ignition zone concepts and mitigation work to establish or improve defensible space; improvements to community wildfire evacuation routes, plans and procedures; and enhancing of community capacity to deal with post-treatment woody biomass. All components together will dramatically reduce wildfire risk in the Red Feather Lakes area, to save lives, protect property, improve forest and watershed health, and improve the resilience of the Red Feather Lakes area.
Project Goals
To implement wildfire mitigation treatments in open space, along roadways and on private properties
Education on home ignition zone concepts and mitigation work to establish or improve defensible space
Improvements to evacuation routes, plans and procedures
Enhancing of community capacity to deal with post-treatment woody biomass
Improvements to community wildfire preparedness and building of social capital to improve community resilience
Implementation of Community Wildfire Protection Plans
This award, and the CWDG grant program in general, will help to fund priorities outlined in the Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs) written and adopted by these project communities: Cherokee Meadows, Crystal Lakes, Glacier View and Poudre Canyon. CWPPs are authorized and defined in the Healthy Forests Restoration Act (HFRA), and they represent one of the best opportunities we have to address the challenges of the wildland-urban interface (WUI) in a way that brings about locally-centered and -supported solutions in a comprehensive manner through shared stewardship and collaboration.
Red Feather Lakes Area Map (click to enlarge).
Red Feather Lakes Area Wildfire Defense Grant Budget by Outcomes
Community Meetings - Presentations
Nov. 7, 2024 - Advisory Team Meeting - View Slides >>
January 16, 2025 - “Prioritizing and Implementing Roadside
Fuel Treatments” by Dr. Meg Matonis, The Ember Alliance - View Slides >>
Monthly Email Updates
Upcoming Events
Fireforest Film Screening & Panel - March 13 at Poudre Park - Register here >>
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The grant performance period is five years, which will begin when contracts are executed (anticipated in winter 2024/25).
The communities of Cherokee Meadows, Crystal Lakes, Glacier View and Poudre Canyon, each of which has a completed Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP).
An advisory team made up of representatives from each community as well as staff from Larimer County and CPRW will decide how funds are distributed based on priorities outlined in already completed CWPPs. In addition, best available science, data and modeling will help to inform funding decisions.
No, those decisions will be made through community input and prioritization, in consultation with the advisory team (including best available science, etc.), and the steering committee. projects outlined in each communities’ CWPPs at the time of grant application (fall 2023) are the projects that will be eligible for implementation under this grant.
Daniel Bowker, Forests Program Manager, Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed,
Josh Roberts, Mitigation Coordinator, Larimer County,
Join Our Email List for Red Feather Lakes Area Project Updates
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG) program
The communities of: Cherokee Meadows, Crystal Lakes, Glacier View, and Poudre Canyon
2025-2029: Five year performance period after contract execution (expected in late 2024/early 2025)