The Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed plays a unique role as a community-based watershed group. We convene stakeholders around emerging water and forest issues, share information, coordinate projects and volunteers, educate residents, and promote stewardship of the Cache la Poudre River Watershed for current and future generations. All of this work requires a community of active and engaged citizens - join us in our mission!

CPRW Programs

Tickets Now on Sale!


Featured Projects


Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration (LTPBR)

LTPBR refers to a method of restoring degraded or damaged riverscape ecosystems that relies on natural processes and minimizes the use of technology or external inputs.

Red Feather Lakes Area Wildfire Defense Project

Funded by a Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG), this project will improve the wildfire defense of the entire Red Feather Lakes area through specific risk reduction and preparedness activities.

Tree Planting in Burn Areas

A coalition of local environmental non-profits, including CPRW, are partnering to reforest burn areas using up-to-date science to inform our efforts and monitoring to refine our approach over time.

Our Impact

We are proud of the impact we have made to protect and restore the Poudre Watershed. Learn more by reading CPRW’s recent annual reports.



Volunteer Hours Donated



Acres of Post-Fire Recovery & Restoration



Acres of Collaborative Wildfire Mitigation

Get Involved

Our work would not be possible without your support. The Poudre River Watershed needs champions like you to protect and conserve this most precious resource. Check out the ways to get involved with the Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed today!


CPRW Events

Join us at one of our upcoming events to support CPRW and learn more about the work we do to support watershed health.

Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in volunteering with CPRW? Find out about upcoming volunteer opportunities today.

Make a Donation

Your donations make our work possible. See how you can support CPRW's mission by making a tax-deductible donation.

Read the Blog

That area of land, a bounded hydrologic system, within which all living things are inextricably linked by their common water course and where, as humans settled, simple logic demanded that they become part of a community.

- John Wesley Powell
