Upcoming Webinar: 2022 Cameron Peak Post-Fire Restoration Update (April 27th)

Since the Cameron Peak Fire ignited in the upper Poudre Watershed in August of 2020, federal, state and local partners have been working together to plan and implement post-fire mitigation and restoration work within the historically large burn area. Join agency and nonprofit partners for an update on Cameron Peak post-fire restoration projects that are planned for spring, summer and fall of 2022. Learn about how projects were prioritized and what funding sources are supporting work on the ground. Presenters will highlight where, when and why projects are being completed in the burn area. Guests will be welcome to ask questions of presenters during the Q&A session at the end.

When: April 27th, 6-7pm
Register here:


City of Greeley & City of Fort Collins

Ayres & Associates

JW Associates

Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed

Big Thompson Watershed Coalition

Larimer County

US Forest Service 

Colorado Dept. of Transportation (CDOT)