Happy Colorado Gives Day!

Today is Colorado Gives Day, our biggest fundraising day of the year! Donations to the Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed (CPRW) on Colorado Gives Day will help us finish the year strong, providing our staff, volunteers and partners with the resources needed to complete a variety of planned projects in 2022. Thank you to all of the generous donors who have already scheduled $5,966 in donations - what a great start to this state-wide day of giving!

Your donations on Colorado Gives Day will support:

  • Post-fire mitigation and restoration on thousands of additional acres within the Cameron Peak burn area, helping to reduce erosion, protect water quality and restore the land

  • Reforestation on lands burned in both the High Park and Cameron Peak fires, with a goal of planting 30,000 trees over the next two years

  • Forest restoration projects to reduce wildfire risk, improve wildlife habitat, and protect water quality in the Upper Poudre Watershed

  • River restoration design and planning in the Lower Poudre Watershed to improve flood plain connection while improving riparian and aquatic habitat

  • Expansion of our Citizen Science Water Quality Monitoring Program

The health of the Poudre River is critical to all of our lives and it takes a community-wide effort to care for our natural resources. Your support today will help us continue our work to improve and maintain the ecological health of the watershed well into the future.

Megan Maiolo-Heath