Point-Based Mitigation
Post-Fire Restoration Projects to Protect Poudre River Water Quality and Supply
Contour wattles help to reduce hillslope erosion and catch sediment.
CPRW is working with partners to address critical post-fire issues in high-priority watersheds that were impacted by the historic Cameron Peak Fire of 2020. Following large-scale fires like Cameron Peak, burn areas have a higher potential for increased runoff, stream flows and erosion in streams and gullies, causing water quality issues that persist for many years.
CPRW and local partners are installing point-based Best Management Practices (BMPs) in key locations that are intended to help slow future pulses of sediment and promote deposition (laying down) of sediment in floodplains.
Types of BMPs used may include:
contour wattles & live willow wattles
log jams
tree felling
single key log installation
willow/riparian vegetation staking
stream debris fence
native rock stabilization
Post-assisted log structures (PALS)
Beaver Dam Analogs (BDAs)
For questions about post-fire restoration please contact Taryn Contento, Post-Fire & Rivers Project Manager, taryn@poudrewatershed.org.
Project Goals
Mitigate the negative consequences of the wildfire to high-priority watershed values including water quality and supply, riverscape function and health, and to reduce flood impacts to downstream communities.
Use a collaborative process and science-based hazard and field assessments to prioritize areas of concern and develop mitigation opportunities and concept plans
Build and maintain community and landowner outreach and education program to increase understanding of post-fire issues and techniques.
Implement critical research and monitoring with partners to track outcomes and increase post fire management decision making.
Expand CPRW’s existing Community Science Water Quality Monitoring program to include post-fire restoration sites to add increased capacity and engage the community around important water quality issues.
Impact To-Date
13 projects completed (private and public lands):
2021: 4 projects completed
2022: 4 projects completed
2023: 3 projects completed
2024: 2 projects completed - Little Beaver Creek and South Fork
2025: 3 projects planned
Proposed and completed work in the Cameron Peak burn area. (Courtesy of Ayers Associates)
Post-Fire Projects
Upper Elkhorn Creek
Unnamed Tributary 2
Upper Black Hollow
Lazy D Ranch
Sheep Creek/Black Hollow
Jack’s Gulch
South Fork
Sheep Creek at Norman Fry
Fish Creek
Little Beaver Creek
Project Partners
City of Greeley
City of Fort Collins
Larimer County Conservation Corps
AloTerra Restoration Services
Wildlands Restoration Volunteers
US Forest Service - Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests
Ayres Associates
Private Landowners
Project Funders
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)
Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB)
US Forest Service
Poudre Valley REA
City of Greeley
City of Fort Collins
Larimer County